
New Rules

The board has ultimate power to reprimand contestants for actions not listed in the current rulebook. Any contestant is subject to penalties from actions performed outside of the arena but in conflict with other contestants, committees, or the Association administration.

All rodeos that pay only 1st in day money will be split 70-30(average-day) money.

Professional Wild Horse Racing Association reserves the right to revoke membership at any time and can deny membership on grounds of conflict of interest if the application has been proven to be an administration officer in a conflicting association.


Ty Esteves Red Bluff No Show

Cody Begay Red Bluff No Show(payment plan)

Gilbert Onepenney Red Bluff No Show

Talon Walker Threat Assesment Pending Trial

Pat Vargas

David Gregory 

The Bucking Rodeo-Trey Juhnke owes added money from Aug 10, 2024